equipping leaders to tackle challenges

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It’s not a newsletter. It is a micro-letter— a weekly email made for leaders who are wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. The content was created for you to digest in 45 seconds and reflect on all week.

Good Fight micro-letters are about faith & fortitude

Front-line leaders, military officers, executives, and pastors all recommend:

His attention to detail and confidence drew me towards him as a leader. I wanted my Marines to be like him. As I grew to know him, I began to seek him for advice in many areas that I consider him an expert in-but most of all-leadership.

— Chris Whitson, USMC, Infantry Officer

Reggie Ordonez is a leader that truly embodies a person of conviction, resolve, action, and character. He is a man that has a fear of the Lord and everything that he is a part of moves forward and becomes better. He is a team player and utilizes his strengths to their full capacity! His discipline and accountability allows him to gain respect and influence at a quick rate, with the goal to serve and love people well.

—Caleb Pierce, Youth Pastor

Reggie and I served together in the Marine Corps where he was the lead for one of our most challenging and technical schools. His ability to form and lead teams in high risk evolutions is inspiring.

— CJ Williams, VP, VetsQuest

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